Wednesday, January 25, 2012

"Huh?" . . . It's Not An Insult, But It Gets Your Attention!

What does it mean when I write "Huh?" on your paper or report?

It's Not Insulting
First, let me assure you that my intention is not to insult you. Nor is "Huh?" intended to be disrespectful. My use of "Huh?" is not at all "personal". I do not mean to be impolite. And yet, many students in both America and Kuwait have told me that they feel belittled when I use the term, "Huh?" 

All I can say to that is: "Huh?"

Technically, "Huh" is an interjection (check the dictionary). It's a legitimate word that's used as an exclamation of surprise, bewilderment or disbelief. It can also be used as an exclamation of contempt and interrogation, but that's neither my purpose nor my role. 

It's About Efficiency
I'm an educator. I don't interrogate. I teach. 

I'm also a businessman, so I respect efficiency, including with the use of words. "Huh?" wastes no time; it makes a point very quickly. 

I'm also a marketer, and I strive to get attention. "Huh?" certainly does that! 

So when a student writes, "The author is not clear when it comes to the advertisement," or "The process started when noticed that people were going to read in such sites, looking talking about music and television" (I'm not making these up, the by way) the best critique I can think of is, "Huh?"

It's A Shortcut
In other words, I am asking (perhaps more to the liking of sensitive students): "What do you mean by that?" Or, "What are you trying to say?" Or, "I don't understand this; perhaps you can clarify the statement?"

If I were to write those, albeit, more polite critiques, I would add hours to my workload, and I don't intend to do that when "Huh?" makes the same point very efficiently if even somewhat dramatically. To me, it's a good shortcut. 

It Could Be Harsher
It may help to understand that I attended a university where even one spelling error resulted in an F for the assignment. Just one! (Is that a bewildered "Huh?" I hear from you?). Writing that made no sense also resulted in an F. Given my background, I think I'm extremely generous. I might write "Huh?" a half dozen times on a paper and still issue a grade higher than an F. My former professors must be turning in their graves with embarrassment, disappointment and astonishment. Each time that I don't issue an F at the end of a paper with more than one error I hear them collectively gasping, "Huh?" 

So if you are insulted when I use the interjection, "Huh?" on your assignments, I've got another efficient, attention-grabbing, and not-so-nice piece of advice for you: "Get over it!" 

It's About Preparing You For The Harsh, Real World
Teaching isn't always or only about pleasing students. Synonyms for teaching include guiding, instructing, coaching, informing, enlightening, disciplining, and schooling. My job is to prepare you for the real world. This is serious business, and usually emotionally challenging. Of course, it's easier when students come prepared, when they possess the requisite skills, or even when they really want to learn. 

Once again is that a "Huh?" I hear you saying? It's catchy, isn't it?

And I'm not at all insulted when you use it. 

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